Thursday, July 31, 2008

Why Not Using Feng Shui in the Home to Live Your Life Happier and Comfortably?

If you're in the right place facing the right direction doing the right thing at the right time, you're in tune with the universe. Are you? The basic principle of Feng Shui is to live in harmony with your environment so that the energy surrounding you works for you rather than against you. Feng Shui is all about the associations and energy flow between people and objects. Would you like to know if all the objects in your home are in perfect harmony to each other or not? When your home is balanced and comfortable, the harmonious flows of Chi (the circulating life force whose existence and properties are the basis of much Chinese philosophy and medicine) will be significant benefit to obstacles and problems will be more easily conquer.

Don't you know that your home should be planned to best possible good Feng Shui for all your family members? There are different kinds of Feng Shui general rules for positioning rooms with different functions - bedrooms, kitchens, dining rooms, and bathrooms. Also it's valuable to know that the design of doors, hallways, corners, split-levels, and staircases, and their relationship to one another.

*Main doors should open into bright, spacious rooms that stimulate happy and comfortable feelings. When you open your main door, you should be able to see as much of the interior of the house as possible. Main doors should not open into narrow space or having a low ceiling. Often it causes sickness to the residents of the home. Actually using a mirror or having overhead lights can help ease this issue.

*Spiral staircases are not really recommended but if there is one, it/s better to be located in the corner of a house because it's less harmful.

*You should not locate bathrooms in the middle of the house because it spreads bad vibrations out from the center to the building. In exchange, bathrooms should be sited along the sides of the house. And the toilet should be hidden from obvious view. Wall or some form of barrier to screen toilet from rest of room is recommended. Also you should keep the toilet seat closed.

*The entrance to the kitchen should not be blocked.

*The dried flowers in the house are causes of possible bad luck.

Is it possible to extent your good luck using Feng Shui principles? Yes! Energizing different aspects of your life, as a result of that improving your life. For instance, if wealth is what you want, there are specific corners of your home that you can activate by using Feng Shui enhancers. You can start with good lighting effects, decorative objects and healthy green plants. Energizing the parts of your home possibly increases your income, enhances your career opportunities, attracts helpful people into your life, improves your love life, enhances your marriage possibilities, or attracts romance into your life.

*If there is bright light in the southern area of your home, you will enjoy extremely good Feng Shui fortune, particularly if you are in show business or politics business.

*Silk flowers are great Feng Shui anywhere in the home. They look happy, and they never die. However you do need to keep them clean without out any dust.

*Mirrors are great to place in the dining room, but dressing mirror in bedroom should be away from the bed.

*The fish is an extremely good symbol of success. It should be placed around entrance of your home/apartment to signify achievement.

*Using water is a popular method of stimulating the wealth sector. Fish swimming in an aquarium will further give support good Chi flows.

*Crystals are excellent energizers, and they should be displayed in the northeast, southwest, or center of the home or room.

*Round tables do not give off bad Shar Chi, so they're great for your home. Round shapes symbolize the luck from heaven.

Bad luck Feng Shui is generally cause by the bad placement of doors and by the inauspicious location of rooms and doors. This results in poison arrows often creating Shar Chi (killing breath). Sharp pointed objects and threatening structures pointing at your place of work, particularly at its main entrance, can cause all kinds of misfortunes and difficulties. Feng Shui offers solutions for blocking poison arrows; as a matter of face, much of Feng Shui practice has to do with diffusing the harmful effects of poison arrows.

*The Eiffel Tower in Paris is an imposing structure, but if your home/apartment faces such a building, or if you have a large window directly facing one, the Chi created will be too strong and the Feng Shui will not be prosperous. If you have to stay, the best solution would be trying to block it off visually. If yours is an apartment facing it, try to have thick curtains or keep the windows closed. If your house is facing it, change the direction of your front door, or, having a few leafy trees to block the view. The killing breath of poison arrows always goes in a straight line. So you just need to block it before it reaches your house, and then dissolves it.

Please visit to learn more about Feng Shui in the home. If you follow the guidance, you will receive a lot of fortune!

Can Feng Shui Make You Happy?

Can Feng Shui Make You Happy?
By Fay Chapple

Get Happy With Feng Shui!

Many people believe that in order to be happy the must first completely change their environment. Redecorate, renovate, buy expensive furnishings, after all Happiness is always someplace else and just around the corner.

It is often believed that happiness cannot be achieved because the house your currently in is a bad Feng Shui house.

There is no bad Feng Shui house. Generally you are in the house or home you are in at this time for a reason. When you do a complete Feng Shui Audit of your home - you often see that the most challenging part of your home is also an area in which you will benefit from learning the growth and wisdom that comes with trying to re balance that area.

Do you want to be happy in your current home?

First, look around and be grateful. No matter what shape your home is in, how it is decorated or where it is located, be grateful that their is a roof over your head that offers shelter, warmth and comfort for you and your family. Be grateful and acknowledge that their are millions of people around the world that are not as fortunate as you. Thank your home for offering you this small respite of serenity and be happy for all its wonderful qualities and its quirky challenges.

Second, much of the feelings of happiness come from a place of clarity and balance. When you don't feel rushed, pegged in, or stuck you feel happier. That feeling of lightness, space and freedom does not come from square footage , but from a place that is clean, clear, clutterfree. Your home should allow as much sun shine, lights, and air in as possible. Keep your home clutter free in order to encourage positive fresh energy which in turn will make you feel lighter and happier. Have beautiful calming scents and music fill you space and encourage joy!

Third, Feng Shui for the soul is the same as Feng Shui for your home. It is equally as important to clear your emotional space as it is to clear you physical space. What is keeping you from being happy? You may need a shift in focus. Surround yourself with positive, energetic friends that put a smile on your face and rid yourself of people that pull you down or make you feel undeserving.

Remember happiness is a choice, choose to be happy now in the moment, don't wait for happiness, it is already all around you!

©2008 Fay Chapple


Fay Chapple is an International Feng Shui Expert, award winning Interior Decorator and Life Coach, and is Principal of the award winning Home & Life Design Firm Blue Avalon.

Blue Avalon specializes in Interior Decorating, Feng Shui and Abundant Living. Blue Avalon is the publisher of The Blue Avalon Journal, a monthly e-zine packed with ideas, tips and insider secrets! To subscribe log on to our site at and you'll receive a bonus book, The Number One Feng Shui Secret That Will Transform Your Life!

Blue Avalon - "Harmony for your home... Balance for your life!"

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Taking Care of You - A Feng Shui Priority

Taking Care of You - A Feng Shui Priority
By Pat Heydlauff

A successful independent business person named Sue is in the field of sales and also a client. She recently told me, "Without surrounding myself with Feng Shui principles, I'd never reach the end of my day meeting my self-defined sales quotas without being totally exhausted. Fortunately the Feng Shui principle of taking care of self helps to ensure that I have enough energy left at days end to shop, go out to dinner or spend quality time with my family or friends."

It is not uncommon for people in our busy, fast paced multi-tasking world to simply run out of energy well before the end of any given normal day. Not only are we constantly multi-tasking and being bombarded with over 60,000 visual and audible images every day but our days are crammed full of things we must do, those things we do for others and things we should do for self. It seems like the last thing on our list always is "taking care of self."

Are You at the Top of Your List?

In the world of Feng Shui, "taking care of self" should be on the top of your daily "will do" list, not the very last thing you tend to and then only if there is time and energy left to do so. Only when you take care of you first will you be able to perform well at work, properly care for children, nurture a spouse, have rewarding equal relationships or be a good volunteer.

Caring for self is not the same as being selfish but rather a new way of looking at living your life. Making a priority out of "Caring for self" provides you a more energized way of living and thinking. "Caring for self" as a priority develops new positive energy habits that will reward you with productivity and efficiency during the day and with enough energy left at the end of the day to do necessary household tasks, enjoy your family and social commitments. "Caring for self" as a priority also creates an environment with much less stress.

While there are no magic cures when it comes to reducing stress in our lives and energizing self, there are a few simple steps you can follow that will help energize you while reducing some of that stress in your world.

The "energy boost" Plan

Step One is always "unclutter your world." There is no exception to this step. When Sue finds herself unmotivated or in a real selling slump - she gets busy organizing and getting rid of "stuff" which helps her clear her mind - the result - improved focus and productivity. Go through your home room by room and get rid of everything that does not fit, is broken, doesn't look right in your current home or is simply stacks of "stuff" that you really do not need.

The more uncluttering you do the simpler your life becomes and the easier it is to take care of what is left. In fact, the things that are left should be only things you really love because those are the things that provide you the best positive energy.

Do you really need dozens of magazines you will never read, stacks of books you have read and will never read again or hundreds of pictures of glowing sunsets you never look at and enjoy? Will you ever again wear half of the clothes in your closet that are either a size too small or went out of style three years ago? Get rid of all of that stuff. The rule of thumb for clothing is "if it doesn't fit, is out of style or you don't feel great in it, get rid of it."

Whether you have a home office, your work is your home or you work outside of the home, follow the same procedure for uncluttering your workplace.

Next, learn to work with daily lists of things to do. Call it a "Will Do List" since that shows action and present tense. At the very top of your list place at least one thing you will do to take better care of yourself. It can be something as simple as quietly sitting in the sun by yourself for 10 minutes just relaxing; or, listening to soothing music and allowing your mind to go completely blank for 20 minutes. Only when you allow your mind to go completely blank can you remove stressful thoughts and be filled with new positive energy and new ideas.

On the remainder of the list place the things you have to do and the things you want to do. Number them in order of importance and begin with No. 1 so you always get the most important things done first but only after you've done at least one thing for you to energize you. This step alone will remove much unnecessary stress from your life.

And third, be sure to unclutter your mind not just your external surroundings and personal environment. The mind stores forever all of the negative things that have happened to you over your lifetime unless you clean them out. Most people never remember all of the wonderful and good things that have happened to them - but always manage to hold onto a misinterpreted five word phrase someone said 10 years ago or all of the hurts un-intentional and intentional as well as painful experiences. Holding onto the negative energy of misconstrued statements, arguments, painful emotions and misspoken words only keeps you in negative energy space rather than creating uplifting caring for yourself energy.

The more negative thoughts you hold onto the more negative energy you carry with you on a daily basis. If you are holding onto all of this negative energy, this may be a big reason why you may not have enough energy left at the end of the day.

The easiest way to get rid of negative thinking it to simply say to yourself, "I no longer need to hold onto _______ (your specific negative thought); I have learned all I need to learn from that experience and now I send it away forever." The more you follow this simple procedure the more positive energy you will have left at the end of the day.

If you need an energy boost, remember to unclutter your surroundings, make a daily "Will Do List" placing "caring for self" at the top of the list and unclutter your mind - get rid of all of those negative thoughts.

These few changes in your lifestyle will lower stress, help you to be more efficient and productive and provide you lots more positive energy.

© Pat Heydlauff, all rights reserved 2008

Pat Heydlauff, President of Energy-by-Design ( and Feng Shui expert, is a consultant, speaker, columnist and award-winning artist. She has been consulting with individuals, families, and companies since the early 1990's, with clients ranging from California to Florida. In addition, she speaks at corporate and organizational functions, and gives seminars to enhance productivity. Pat Heydlauff can be reached at []

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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Fantastic Feng Shui Plants

Fantastic Feng Shui Plants
By Linda Binns

So you're looking into moving the concepts and principles of feng shui outside of your home and into your garden. This is a fabulous idea - after all, the energy you create outside your home directly affects the energy that is created within your home.

One of the best ways to create balanced, positive feng shui in your outdoor living space is to use plants to create positive energy. But do you choose just any plants? Are there certain plants and flowers that create better feng shui than others?

Although most all plants create positive energy for your household, there are some that clearly stand out as fine selections for generating vibrant, renewing, comfortable energy. Here are a few examples:

· Jade (Crassula Ovata) - this plant is wonderful for creating abundance and prosperity. You can use this plant near your front door (your career area) to invite abundance-producing energy into your home. You can also use this plant in your "fame" area at the rear of your home, as well as the "wealth and p[prosperity" area at the left rear section of your home, to help provide opportunities for notoriety, publicity, and personal wealth.

· Peony (Paeonia) - this flower symbolizes love and affection. If you have adequate sunlight, you can plant this flower in the right rear corner of your home (the "love and relationships" area) to promote harmonious family relationships. This is also a good choice for planting in or near the "creativity and children" section, in the central right part of your home, to help foster acceptance and approval of a child's creative endeavors.

· Chrysanthemum - this flower is associated with ease of life, happiness, and joy. Yellow chrysanthemums are particularly good for creating joyful energy around your home. This is a fantastic choice for the "love and relationships" area located at the rear right corner of your home.

· Narcissus - this flowering bulb represents good fortune. This is another good flower to place at the front of your home, to attract abundance and good career opportunities.

· Money Plant (Philodendron Scandens) - a wonderful plant for shaded areas. Make sure you keep the leaves trimmed so they do not become too large. This is ordinarily placed at the front of the home; however, if the front of your home is very sunny, you may want to skip this plant, because not having a money plant at all is better than having a money plant with dead leaves.

· Lillies - these flowers help promote positive energy and good feng shui throughout the year. They also grow easily in just about any kind of soil, so they are a low-maintenance flower that you can count on year after year.

You can see that you have many choices when selecting plants for your feng shui garden. Just remember to intersperse these plants with metal sculptures and other objects that will help break up the dominating wood element of the plants and flowers. You can easily mix these elements to create a landscape that is both visually attractive and pleasing to the remainder of your senses (including the metaphysical ones) as well.

Linda Binns shows you how to be more successful in all areas of your life by working with your environment. Get FREE Feng Shui Success Secrets. These powerful and practical secrets can help you transform your life. Go to now.

Linda Binns is author of Feng Shui for Your Relationships: Changing Your Environment to Create Better Relationships. She has been a Feng Shui Practitioner, Author, Speaker and teacher for over 10 years. She has appeared internationally on television and radio and in local publications. Linda is also the founder of The Feng Shui Success Institute - which teaches in-depth Feng Shui training and practitioner certification.

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To Create Good Luck - Use Feng Shui

To Create Good Luck - Use Feng Shui
By Pat Heydlauff

Ancient Chinese Emperors used Feng Shui's positive energy principles to influence the good luck and good fortune not only for their lifetime but that of the next seven generations of their families." In an article appearing in Fortune Magazine, according to veteran home builder Bob Toll, "one of their (buyer's) main concerns is buying homes with facades that face east or south so that the house will have the best possible Feng Shui, or good luck brought by the spirits. One man's Feng Shui is another man's golf course. I think Feng Shui is worth a lot more."

Most people assume you are either born lucky or you must go through life doomed and have to fight for everything you need and want. Some people do indeed seem to be luckier than others ... or are they?

Is there a good fortune or good luck area in your home and office? Can the basic principles of Feng Shui be used to enhance the positive energy in those areas of your home or office so you can become one of the "lucky ones" by creating your own good fortune?

Can You Create Your Own Good Luck?

The answer is yes to all of the above. There is a specific area in your home and office that is dedicated to good luck and good fortune. And, you definitely can energize the good fortune sector of your home and office as did the ancient Chinese rulers.

If things never seem to turn out right in your life; if things always seem to go wrong at the worst possible moment; you never seem to get "the job", "get that raise or promotion", "buy the house you really wanted" or "be in the right place at the right time", it is time to take action and create a positive "good luck" energy shift in your world.

Your Good Luck Plan - Unclutter First

Find the south wall or south area of your living and/or family room, bedroom or office and begin there. Unclutter it first - make absolutely sure there is no clutter in this area or you will further energize the clutter and you will just get more clutter.

If you feel that you are often on the edge of a breakthrough with a relationship, finally feeling better after months and months of not feeling well or you are about to get a promotion but none of these ever quite happen, the odds are good that the good fortune area at home or in your office is cluttered with "stuff."

When you clear the "stuff" from this area do not simply shove it elsewhere - put it properly away or "get rid of it." Sort through it; appropriately store, hang or put it away; or file what you need to keep, take action on what needs follow up, delegate to others what you can and toss anything that is no longer relevant or important.

If you were to simply move all of this "stuff" you would create stagnant energy in some other area of your life, perhaps health, creativity or wealth. Do not transfer negative energy to some other area of your life; deal with it and remove it from your life.

Your Good Luck Plan - Step Two

The next step is to positively energize this area. Begin in your living/family room. Good fortune energy can be enhanced in a number of ways. It is symbolically represented by the color red, by fire energy, tall triangular shapes and the number 9. Some examples of "good luck" energy enhancements are:

• A wooden vase filled with a bouquet of tall red flowers like gladiolas - curly wooden willow branches or tall bamboo sticks also work well

• A variety of tall red candles in varying sizes and shapes in glass candlestick holders - 9 candles would be great if there is room - be sure to light them once to release the energy

• A picture of jagged mountains (triangles) reflecting the red of a sunrise or framed in red

• A predominantly red vertical piece of artwork

• A wooden number 9 painted red

You are limited only by your imagination when energizing the good fortune area of your life as long as you use the guidelines above. The elements not to use in the south are things made out of or that represent metal, water and earth such as a metal picture frame, artwork of the ocean or fields of barren land.

Follow this same procedure in your bedroom and in your office.

Your Good Luck Plan - Step Three

The last step is the easiest and least expensive. Change your thinking. You need to unclutter your mind just like you uncluttered your home and office. Anytime negative thinking creeps into your mind say to yourself, "I have shifted my energy to encourage good luck to enter my world; old rules and old thoughts no longer apply, be gone." The more often you do this the less your mind will remind you of negative thinking and the sooner you will change your thinking to attract good fortune to enter into your world.

Positive "good luck" energy works whether you believe in it or not. It is not simply mind over matter or a state of mind. For example air currents flow and wind blows but you cannot see this energy, only feel it. The same holds true for the heat from a campfire. You may not see the flame or even the embers glowing but you can still feel the energy of the fire.

Even though you cannot see it, "good luck" energy works the same way. Unclutter your good fortune areas, enhance them appropriately and then bring into alignment your thinking. Good fortune occurs when positive energy is focused on creating it. Actively create your own good fortune and experience the joy.

© Pat Heydlauff, all rights reserved 2008

Pat Heydlauff, President of Energy-by-Design ( and Feng Shui expert, is a consultant, speaker, columnist and award-winning artist. She has been consulting with individuals, families, and companies since the early 1990's, with clients ranging from California to Florida. In addition, she speaks at corporate and organizational functions, and gives seminars to enhance productivity.
Pat Heydlauff can be reached at

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Feng Shui and Symbols - What You Have in Your House Says a Lot About You

Feng Shui and Symbols - What You Have in Your House Says a Lot About You
ByAmy Gray

What does a broken statue of a rooster have to do with Feng Shui? Feng Shui teaches us that everything in our house is a reflection of what is in our mind. Symbolically speaking, your house and the things in it reflects your thoughts, feelings, and spirit.

So let's get back to that rooster. One of my clients had recently separated from her husband. I noticed that a statue of a large bird was directly facing her bed, so it was probably the first thing she saw when getting up in the morning. Upon closer examination, I noticed two things; first, one of the legs had previously been broken and was wrapped in what appeared to be a cast. Second, I realized that it was not a chicken; it was a rooster. Unfortunately, the coxcomb on the top of the head had broken off, probably in the same fall that broke the leg of the statue.

I examined this unfortunate art piece for a moment and then said to my client, "Do you realize that the first thing you see in the morning is a broken cock?"

After I picked her up from the floor (she was laughing so much she just collapsed), she gasped out, "You have no idea of how perfect that observation is." Not wanting to really know much more, I suggested we send out the broken rooster for repair. We then talked about what she really wanted to see first thing in the morning; it was her flute and music and a picture of her daughter.

Another client was having a hard time keeping relationships with men going. Visiting her apartment was like seeing a shrine to her daughter. Everywhere was a mother/daughter photograph. It felt like she was already in a relationship and there was no room for any other one to grow.

Everything that you choose to surround yourself with has symbolic meaning and reflects something about your life. Whether intentional or not, all those objects, pictures, photographs, and pieces of furniture resonate with information about you. Take a look around at your house. What is the first thing you see when you enter your home? When you get up in the morning? When you sit down to eat? Do those objects support you in living your best life? Observe what you have around you and then experiment. See how you feel swapping out the images that surround you for other ones that are a better reflection of who you are and where you want to go. I've seen this simple action do amazing things to improve people's lives.

Interested in learning more about Feng Shui and ways to improve the energy in your home or office? Get great tips and motivating messages by subscribing to the Empty Your Nest newsletter at

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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Feng Shui and Animals

Feng Shui and Animals
By Jiaying Lee

As we observe the animal world around us be they pets or animals in the wild we will see what becalms them and what agitates. The animal is especially open to the flow of chi in the universe because they do not use conscious thought. That is to say they do not have the ability to choose what comes to mind it is chosen for them by instinct and environment. The human on the other hand can direct thoughts they can deal with negative thoughts by choice if they are of healthy mind.

Some years ago our family had a pet cat and it was bonded particularly with my daughter. Whenever Helen was on the phone Sheba the cat would side up to her and complain in her ear. This pattern would continue until the phone was hung up. We would watch this antic of this little animal and its view of the world and in my mind I could sense that something was out of balance and out of harmony whenever this phone was answered.

Some years later Sheba was badly injured and I hurriedly took her to the vet. We had to wait for some hour because it was late at night and the vet had to make a special visit. During this time I held Sheba and began to calm the environment around us with a mantra. The little animal came becalmed and although the injuries were quite severe she recovered and lived again. For the animal the chi of the universe was being blocked by a phone call and being invoked and channelled through a mantra. This was no small event as the vet had said she could not live with such horrific injuries.

It interesting how household pets choose the high ground in the house. They get on pianos and tabletops and special places in the house where they are most comfortable. Is this not because they find the energy of chi most present in these spots. Energy, which meets their instincts and environmental needs from evolutionary times? The animal is drawn to what is beautiful and harmonious. The respond to even sacred objects, which are in the house. St Francis the patron Saint of animals is an appropriate choice of saintly shrine in the home They also love small plants and have great attraction to mirrors, which satisfy their curiosity and their sense of harmony for mirrors increase the chi in the environment.

In Friendship Jiaying Lee

Jiaying Lee uses her cultural background and her life coach training to teach practical Feng Shui. She is the author and owner of site and for more free articles on Feng Shui strategies for fortune and life enrichment visit the site. Just click on the above.

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